Name: Petra
Nickname: pea
Birthday: April 29
Home: Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Kids: 4 Boys
Pets: 2 Dogs
Job: nurse
Favorite Colors: black, blue, earth tones
Music: Versengold, Krayenzeit, Saltatio Mortis, Rammstein
Favorite Songs: Erinnere dich - Versengold, Nirgendmeer - Krayenzeit
Movie/Series: Game Of Thrones
Addicted to: Middle Ages Festivals, chocolate, sheep, pixels and music.
I like: Border Collies, IRELAND, pixel painting (have been pixeling since 2005), webdesign, good conversation, herbal tea, books, Pepsi light, Parson Russel Terrier, sunflowers, the sea, nature, ...
I do not like: intolerance, arrogance, the Euro, SPIDERS, ...